The Support Center for Overseas Waste Management Business organized the Seminar at "Japan-Thailand Environmental Solutions Week 2020" in Bangkok
The center organized a seminar focused on municipal solid waste management in Thailand at the event "Japan-Thailand Environmental Solutions Week " on the afternoon of January 16th (The event was jointly organized by Ministry of the Environment (MOE), Japan and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Thailand on January from 14 to 16, 2020 in Bangkok).
The Seminar was arranged in collaboration with Solid Waste Management Association Thailand (SWAT), the nonprofit organization specialized in solid waste management, to identify the pressing issues and to explore opportunities for Japan-Thailand collaboration for achieving better solid waste management in Thailand.
The seminar invited experts from both countries as lectures and had QA session under the theme of achieving better solid waste management through expanding chances of Japan-Thailand cooperation, with simultaneous interpretation.
The seminar was successfully conducted with almost 100 participants from Japan, Thailand and the other countries. During the QA session, some questions were taken from the floor and active discussion was led by Dr. Sasaki as a facilitator.
Keynote Speech
QA Session①
QA Session②
Program Outline
Following the keynote speech by Dr. So SASAKI, Professor of Chuo University, Japan, five presenters introduced hot issues regarding the theme. From Thai side, SWAT introduced 3Rs activities in Thailand; PAPOP introduced their engaged project: generation of electricity and compressed biomethane gas from municipal solid waste. From Japanese side, three companies from the Center's member companies: ①REMATEC Holdings Corporation, ②JFE Engineering Corporation, ③Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc. presented their business experiences in Thailand.
Program details are as below (all presentation materials are available from the links).
14:00 | Opening/Introduction of JWRF | Mr. Tomonori KIKUCHI Director, JWRF |
14:05 | Keynote: Municipal waste management: current situation and pressing issues |
Dr. So SASAKI Professor, Chuo University/Chulalongkorn University |
14:25 | Introduction of SWAT Implementation of 3Rs in Thailand - what has been done and what needs to be done |
Mr. Patarapol Tularak Secretary General, SWAT |
14:45 | Case Presentation 1 Introduction of initiatives to solve social issues in the environmental field |
Mr. Yasunori TANAKA President and CEO, REMATEC Holdings Corporation |
15:05 | Case Presentation 2 Generation of Electricity and Compressed Biomethane Gas (CBG) from Organic fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) using Dry Fermentation Technology |
Dr. Apipong Lamsam Managing Director, PAPOP Co., Ltd. |
15:25 | Case Presentation 3 Potential Challenges for Proper Waste Management - Comparative study of municipal and industrial solid waste in Thailand- |
Mr. Gen TAKAHASHI General Manager, JFE Engineering Corporation |
15:45 | Case Presentation 4 Long-term Waste Management Master Plan for Local Governments |
Mr. Taisuke ODERA Manager, Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc. |
16:05 | Coffee Break | |
16:30 | QA and Discussion | Facilitator; Dr. So SASAKI |
17:00 | Closing | Dr. Chindarat Taylor Vice President, SWAT |
Achievement and future Perspective
This seminar was the first collaboration with SWAT which successfully developed into active discussion about the issue of the waste management in Thailand making use of Japanese experience through achieving input from both Japan and Thailand.
As emphasized at closing address by Vice President of SWAT, we seek further collaboration between JWRF and SWAT and maintain relations that enables constant cooperation with each other through comings and goings.
This is second time we participated in the "Environment Solutions Week" event continuing from last year in Vietnam. This event has a strong concern in host country and the advantage of getting many participants. Therefore, we will continue to seek active participation in "Environment Solutions Week" from next year and beyond.