
Climate change

Climate change

Advanced Resource Recycling Investment Promotion Project

1. Projects to supply recycled materials, fuel, and energy to hard-to-abate industries that have difficulty in decarbonizing in a single step (hard-to-abate industries) through recycling and thermal recovery by providing support for demonstration and installation of advanced resource recycling technologies and facilities; and
2. Supporting resource recycling initiatives to provide raw materials for innovative products needed for the GX transition, thereby contributing to stable production activities by securing domestic resources, and ensuring the international competitiveness of the manufacturing sector by adding value to products and services (GX products) supplied to the market through decarbonization investments in the use of recycled materials The project will contribute to stable production activities by securing domestic resources, and will add value to products and services (GX products) supplied to the market through decarbonization investments to ensure the international competitiveness of the manufacturing industry.

Pilot project for overall optimization of renewable energy-related products and base materials for the establishment of a domestic resource recycling system

The project will promote the establishment of a system to utilize unused resources by improving CO2-saving recycling technologies and the quality of recycled materials, because it is necessary to establish a CO2-saving domestic recycling system for energy-saving products such as solar panels and car batteries and base materials such as glass, which are expected to be disposed of in large quantities in the near future. The project will subsidize a part of the cost of the pilot project. This subsidy is limited to projects that contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions from energy use in Japan.

Project to promote the introduction of facilities for the effective utilization of plastic and metal resources in a decarbonized way

As for " Project to promote the introduction of facilities for the effective utilization of plastic and metal resources in a decarbonized way " plans to reduce energy-origin carbon dioxide emission from the whole recycling processes of used products and plan introduction of facilities for advanced resource recycling that will improve the quality of recycling and manufacturing facilities for materials derived from renewable resources that can replace conventional fossil resource-derived plastics.
The purpose is to contribute to realize decarburized society and to the effective utilization of resources.
The subsidy will be provided up to 1/2 of the cost of introducing facilities for advanced resource recycling to build a decarbonized society.

Program on "FS on introduction waste management technology"

The JWRF provides services, which are commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, to support the overseas expansion of Japanese Waste Management and Recycling Industries by mainly providing financial support to feasibility studies.

This demonstration study substantiates the heat distribution business for heat recovered from waste treatment facilities.

Generally, a waste incineration facility with a daily treatment capacity of more than 100 tons has significant potential for energy recovery from waste (waste-to-energy), but with a lower energy efficiency ( 20%) than that of new gas-fired power plants (over 60%). However, an energy efficiency of more than 40% can be theoretically achieved by supplying the heat to surrounding factories for use instead of converting it into electricity. This enables significant reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction and high economic efficiency.
This demonstration project is designed to directly link the study of system theory and field demonstration of a regional heat supply and demand/management system. Through this demonstration project, with the aim of concretely increasing the effectiveness of Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere with waste treatment facilities as its core, a dissemination scenario for advanced heat recovery from waste incineration facilities will be prepared.

The project to promote the achievement of multi-benefits for decarbonization through the effective use of waste energy

The JWRF has implemented the financial assistance project to achieve multi-benefits such as regional resilience improvement, revitalization by recycling resources and energy within the region and prevention of outflow of funds to the outside of the region.
To be certified this project it was required for a private company to introduce facilities for highly efficient energy recovery of waste heat and production of fuel from waste, and to conclude an agreement with the local government on the receiving of disaster waste.

The Joint Research Project Comprehensive research toward the development of next-generation venous infrastructure

The Joint Research Project is a project in which JWRF invites its members, universities, and research institutes to participate on a theme set by JWRF regarding waste and the 3Rs, and to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis from the environmental, technological, economic, and social perspectives. The project is to conduct joint research on the feasibility of application, measures to promote introduction, etc., by inviting interested parties to participate. The project aims to contribute to the promotion of the formation of a sustainable recycling-oriented society with less environmental impact and the conservation of the global environment by widely publicizing the results of the project.
In FY2020,JWRF launched the Joint Research Project called "Comprehensive Research for the Construction of Next-generation Venous Infrastructure," and have divided the project into three working groups according to the contents of their activities: the first working group conducts environmental and economic research on the coordination of waste treatment facilities and sewage treatment facilities, and the second working group is studying the concept of automation of venous facilities, etc., and the third working group is studying decarbonization and CO2 reduction of waste treatment facilities, and is continuing its activities in FY2022.

Program on "FS on energy recovery from waste management"

On behalf of Japan's Ministry of the Environment, the JWRF evaluates and selects proposals of feasibility studies of waste management projects that reduce CO2 emissions in countries concerned by private business, and provides financial assistance for the studies selected.

Program on the promotion of advanced resource recycling equipment installation for building of a decarbonized society

The JWRF is implementing financial assistance program on the installation of advanced resource recycling equipment for CO2 emission reduction. The purpose of this program is to reduce the emission of energy-derived CO2 in the entire recycling process of end-of-life products, as well as to quantitatively expand products that could not be recycled in the past, or to supply higher-quality recycled materials.

Program on the introduction of advanced equipment for CO2-saving recycling

The JWRF has implemented the financial assistance program to introduce advanced recycling equipment that saves CO2. The purpose of this program is to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions throughout the recycling process of used products and to improve the recovery efficiency of recycled resources.

Research and Development of a scheme for recycling of incineration ashes in line with regional characteristics (The Breakthrough Project)

The JWRF has implemented this research and development as one of the Breakthrough Project by the National Institute for Environmental Studies and incinerator plant manufacturers. The JWRF also collaborated with the research titled "Establishment of green modification technology for incineration main ash by combining physical sorting and aging," which was funded by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund. We are aiming to "realize social implementation and disseminate academic results" of incinerator ash recycling based on the knowledge gained from the researches by sharing information in our respective fields of expertise.
To minimize the volume of incineration residues are a major challenge in today's domestic waste management in Japan. Especially for municipalities that do not have a final disposal site and whose long-term prospects are uncertain, it is necessary to have as many appropriate and effective options as possible to reduce its volume.